News PT

Lifestyle made in PORTUGAL

19 January, 2022

Portugal has unique characteristics, arising from the fact that it has the oldest borders in Europe, it is an ancient Nation based on Judeo-Christian values, the same ones that allowed Europe to be the reference of the great ethical and humanistic values, and this allowed it to create family generations educated within this framework. No wonder, then, that Portugal is a country where young and old still talk normally within the family context. The status of grandparents is very high in our Portuguese society – and rightly so. The Portuguese respect the first and the third age, for the benefit of all.

In a small territory, Portugal concentrates landscapes and species so varied that any experience in nature becomes an adventure, which can be lived in natural reserve areas, mountains, plains, rivers, ocean coast, with the sun shining practically during 12 months, per year. Cycling trails, hiking, observing many species of birds or just contemplating nature are just some of the activities possible in the diversity available. In a single day, it is possible to see a great diversity of images with different scents, from the Douro area to the serene beauty of the Alentejo plains, passing through the plateaus and mountains of Beira Interior. Guaranteed to be a day well spent!

In more than 800 km of coast, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean we can find the most beautiful beaches of fine white sand, safe and of great quality, with an enviable number of blue flags and typical restaurants, where fresh and tasty fish is hard to find elsewhere in Europe.

To the south, we have the Algarve, with more than 200 km of sea front and warm waters, which gives continuity to the Southwest Alentejo, still with so much wild beauty preserved.

If we find ourselves in the Lisbon area going south, soon after we pass the bridge over the Tagus, we have the Costa da Caparica and its extensive sandy beach, until Cape Espichel. From there, we will soon reach the typical fishing town of Sesimbra, the city of Setúbal, Troia and the extensive Comporta sandy beach.

If we head west from Lisbon, we will have the opportunity to visit Estoril, Cascais, Guincho and the unique beauty of the Sintra Mountains and this city full of palaces and other charms that should be visited.

From Sintra, a visit to the imposing Convent of Mafra is a must, followed by a seafood meal in Ericeira!

Continuing along the Atlantic coast, we will reach Peniche, the Nazaré area, and Leiria. In this central part of the country, the beaches are also extensive and as we go further north, the waters of the Atlantic Ocean become colder.

In addition to this variety of beaches on the coast, there are also fabulous river beaches that proliferate throughout the interior of the country.

In the eating habits of the Portuguese, lunch is always the strong meal. A sandwich is not enough, or food eaten in a hurry and poorly digested. But a soup, a hot dish etc., all eaten at the table and especially in company, is part of the millenary culture of this hospitable and friendly people. No meal ends without the typical coffee, or “bica”!  In fact, the working day seems to have another dynamic when it starts with a “bica” to accompany with a “pastel de nata”, still warm from the oven that baked it and with a bit of cinnamon on top!

The temperate climate and a serene lifestyle means the Portuguese are very streetwise. In any city or town you can find lively places or quieter corners in esplanades, gardens or viewpoints, where you can relax, have a snack or just watch the fabulous sunset.

Portugal has well-priced golf courses, a vast coastline with beaches suitable for many other water sports (such as surfing), as well as excellent facilities for equestrian sports. Hiking and running are other sports activities to do with the family or alone, at any age. Motor sports and other motorsports (such as motonautics) are areas that will be growing strongly in the years to come.

Portugal, as a free and open country, has the capacity to welcome anyone, from any country, who comes for good.  It is not surprising that the international MIPEX study considers Portugal to be one of the most open countries to emigrants.

The Portuguese are a curious and knowledgeable people of the world. Portugal is a country connected, and wants to remain connected, to the other continents of the world, which it helped to discover with the voyages of its intrepid navigators in the 15th and 16th centuries. We have always done so and we will continue to do so.

For all this, AICEP (, in 2021, launched an international digital campaign to promote what is made “Made in Portugal naturally” in the areas of Home and Building Materials. This is a “cross selling” action and aims to make the world aware of the Portuguese offer in terms of decoration and lifestyle.

A calm and relaxed lifestyle, which can be found in the calm and routine of cosmopolitanism or in the boldness of adventure. And all this without the need for bodyguards, in the country elected as the third safest in the world!

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