News PT

Modernization and Simplification of Administrative Procedures adopted by AIMA, I.P. (Pending Processes of Expression of Interest)

20 June, 2024

With the creation of the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum, I.P. (AIMA, I.P.), the aim was to restructure the Portuguese system of border control and granting of residence permits, which resulted in legislative changes, and the adoption of new procedures for obtaining a residence permit in Portugal by foreign citizens.

Therefore, the aim was to modernize and simplify administrative procedures, with the aim of enabling a faster response to requests received by AIMA, thus stipulating requirements that provide greater security regarding the permanence of foreign citizens in national territory.

The new procedure will be applicable to all foreign citizens who have submitted, by April 30, 2023, an expression of interest on the SAPA portal – Automatic Pre-Scheduling System.

For this purpose, AIMA will send an email to Applicants who meet the aforementioned conditions with instructions so that they can change their password on the portal and, therefore, have access to the new platform.

Through this portal (SAPA), with its new configuration and new access, the Applicant will have to request a Single Billing Document (DUC), which will indicate the amount of the fee to be paid, and the respective payment instructions, that must be carried out within ten days after the date of issuance of the DUC.

If the Applicant fails to pay the DUC within the aforementioned legal deadline, the Applicant will also be notified, via post, to the address associated to the AIMA, I.P. resident register and that was declared in the expression of interest, in order to pay the fee within fifteen working days.

Within 20 working days following payment, AIMA will send a scheduling proposal to the Applicant, which will indicate the date, time and location.

Before the scheduling date, AIMA will send the necessary instructions to the Applicant to correctly submit the duly updated documentation relating to their process.


Dr. Daniela Costa – Lawyer
Dr. Marta Santos – Trainee Lawyer


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