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To be or not to be sustainable, that is the question…

23 January, 2024

The word sustainable comes from the Latin sustentare, which means “to sustain”, “to support” and “to conserve”.

Sustainability is a concept related to sustainable development, a set of ideas, strategies and other attitudes that are ecologically correct, economically viable, socially just and culturally diverse.

For example, there are several concepts linked to sustainability, such as sustained growth, which is a constant and secure increase in the economy; and sustainable management, which is running an organisation by valuing all the factors that encompass it, and is essentially linked to the environment. Several of these concepts include the words “sustainable” or “sustained”. The difference between the two terms is that “sustainable” indicates that there is the possibility of sustainability, while the term “sustained” expresses that this sustainability has already been achieved.

Next, four examples of sustainability that are part of our daily lives.

Business sustainability, companies are increasingly concerned about the environment, but as part of a commercial and marketing strategy. In companies, the concept of sustainability is directly linked to social responsibility and has even become a competitive advantage. A company that cares about sustainability is one that takes care of the planet, the community, the environment and is always praiseworthy in the eyes of the public. Sustainability in companies is also linked to economic sustainability, which is achieved through a sustainable management model, that encourages processes that allow the company’s financial, human and natural capital to recover.

Social sustainability, this concept describes the set of measures established to promote the balance and well-being of society, through various initiatives aimed at helping members of society facing unfavourable conditions. Another important goal is to guarantee the reduction of social inequalities, violence and the expansion of quality public education. Some of the main examples of measures aimed at social sustainability include: encouraging social inclusion programmes; investing in basic sanitation; encouraging professional qualification projects; encouraging free cultural programmes and public education; among others.

Ecological and Environmental Sustainability, is the maintenance of planet Earth’s environment, keeping the quality of life and ecosystems in harmony with people. Environmental sustainability also means taking care not to pollute the waters, separating rubbish, avoiding ecological disasters such as fires and deforestation, among other actions. The very concept of sustainability is for the long term, it’s about finding a form of development that meets the needs of the present without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Humanity’s challenge is to preserve its standard of living and maintain technological development without depleting the planet’s natural resources.

Economic sustainability, seeks to guarantee economic development by taking into account strategies that do not cause environmental impacts or diminish the quality of life of people in society. Some of the actions that can be considered economically sustainable include the use of renewable energies; constant monitoring to prevent other companies or people from committing environmental crimes; among others.

Some easily applicable examples with the aim of encouraging the ideals of sustainability as a reference:

  1. Avoid wasting water and electricity;
  2. Keeping green areas preserved;
  3. Rationalise and control the exploitation of mineral resources (coal, oil, ores, among others), creating strategies that allow the least possible impact on the environment;
  4. Prioritise the production and consumption of organic food;
  5. Prioritising the use of technologies that use renewable energy sources;
  6. Recycling and selective rubbish collection;
  7. Prioritising the consumption of biodegradable;
  8. Consuming consciously.

With all this, there will be added advantages, both in the medium and long term, namely in reducing pollution in rivers, land and the atmosphere; in preserving natural resources (oceans, forests); in maintaining life on earth with quality and dignity without harming the environment.

This application of sustainable strategies and actions is extremely important to guarantee a better quality of life for the population, especially for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on.


João Cardoso

Communication Department


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